MeLSA online training 2025

18th September, 2nd October, 16th October, 13th November, 27th November, 11th December
09:00 to 15:00
  • Day 1: Mediating a growth mindset.
  • Day 2: Thinking about thinking.
  • Day 3: Recall and memory.
  • Day 4: The psychology of learning maths.
  • Day 5: The psychology of learning to read and write.
  • Day 6: Reviewing learning, making action plans, and starting supervision.

MeLSA, or Mediated Learning Support Approach, is an evidence-based framework for supporting the learning of individual learners and groups. School staff who are trained in the mediated learning approach can deliver individual, small group and whole-school interventions with the aim of facilitating accelerated progress in struggling learners whilst developing learner independence.

This pioneering training is informed by policies on inclusion, education, and support staff deployment, as well as psychological and pedagogical research. The approach is designed to help build increased capacity in schools and overcome the SEN achievement gap.

As well as being rooted in evidence and research, training is delivered in an accessible and interactive manner where school staff will work with one another, ask questions, and reflect on their own practice to ensure they are confident in applying their training when in school. This is further supported by ongoing supervision facilitated by an Educational Psychologist.

What makes our MeLSA course unique?

  • Delivered by accredited MeLSA training providers.
  • Our facilitators are qualified Educational Psychologists who have been trained by the developers of the MeLSA programme in Bristol.
  • Training content is informed by the latest research and evidence.
  • Course delivery is designed based on the psychology of learning, to facilitate the optimal learning experience for LSAs so they can best apply MeLSA training in school.
  • Four free supervision sessions included upon the completion of the course.

Cost – £800 per delegate.

We accept all major credit and debit cards when you book online, other payment options are available. Please do get in touch with us.

Training designed for impact…

We pride ourselves on delivering training content and supervision supported by evidence, research and scientific principles.